And We’re Back!

man in blue navigating a maze
Perhaps you just stumbled upon this blog for the first time and perhaps you noticed that my posts skip from April of 2020 to November of 2023. What happened? Come and see.

Setting a Route for Life’s Mountains

image from a rock climbing gym with a figure eight knot
Climbing a mountain is an overused metaphor in nearly all aspects of life. Business executives, leadership gurus, pastors, and personal trainers love to talk about scaling the mountains in our lives. And, if you were to ask any of them exactly how we scale those mountains, what is the answer?

Salvation: How to Be Saved

What does it mean to “be saved”? First and foremost, it means turning to Christ. According to the Bible, He is the only way of salvation: “This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has…

Holy Saturday

image of cemetery at night to represent the pathos of death

Jesus is dead. That is certainly what the disciples thought. Just look at what Peter does after the crucifixion. He looks at the other disciples and says “I am going fishing” (John 21:3). Game over. Back to the family business.

Discouragement, Apathy, and the Child of God

discouragement and apathy
Have you ever felt discouragement or apathy towards life when you know you shouldn't? You know you are a child of God, but you can't help your feelings. I recently felt this way and have some thoughts from dealing with it.