Steven Halbert

Steven Halbert

Steven Halbert is a husband, father, son, and brother. He has held various roles in children and family service organizations and currently works as a product manager for an industrial manufacturer. He enjoys teaching adult Sunday school, which is where the idea for his book - The Relational God - materialized. He has an associate degree in Bible and a master's degree in English; and he blogs about business, relationships, and the church at

Holy Saturday

image of cemetery at night to represent the pathos of death

Jesus is dead. That is certainly what the disciples thought. Just look at what Peter does after the crucifixion. He looks at the other disciples and says “I am going fishing” (John 21:3). Game over. Back to the family business.

You Are in the Family

Opener We desperately want our children to obey. But we don’t want obedience out of fear of rejection from the family? No! We want obedience because our children are in the family. Yet many of us obey God out of…