Steven Halbert

Steven Halbert

Steven Halbert is a husband, father, son, and brother. He has held various roles in children and family service organizations and currently works as a product manager for an industrial manufacturer. He enjoys teaching adult Sunday school, which is where the idea for his book - The Relational God - materialized. He has an associate degree in Bible and a master's degree in English; and he blogs about business, relationships, and the church at

36 Hours in Jerusalem

My plane is just taking off from Israel. I traveled to Europe for work and decided to spend the weekend in Jerusalem. After just 36 hours in the Holy Land, I leave internally conflicted over the power of evil and…

Resolutions and Such

New Year’s Eve in Time Square is not the magical event that the media makes it out to be. Michelle and I were there 10 years ago. It was the culmination of a 3.5-day whirlwind trip to the Big Apple…

Audio Book

The next great adventure for The Relational God is creating the audio book. A few weeks ago, my dad turned the closet in his office into a sound studio, because this is something he’s thinking about doing long-term.