Tusitala Publishers

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Getting Published

Are you an author?

Do you have an idea for a book?

Have you created a book proposal?

Are you prepared to work hard to get published?

Reach out to me and let me know.  I’ll see if Tusitala Publishers can help.*

Tusitala Publishers is primarily interested in:

  1. Christian non-fiction that explores philosophy, theology, and relationships
  2. Creative fiction and allegory
  3. Works concerning business and leadership.

Tusitala Publishers is a small independent publishing house.  We can work with you to bring your book to life, but we do not have the resources to fully fund a publishing project or provide any sort of advance.  We can provide guidance and resources.  Reach out to me and I will respond within one week if I am interested.

*Please note: We do not consider any sort of erotica or works with gratuitous sex, violence or foul language.